
Aberdyfi Extended Balcony Terrace

This residential property in Aberdyfi, on the West Wales coast (North Wales county Gwynedd LL35) was perfect for an extended balcony terrace / garage roof terrace above the parking area.

The final, spacious balcony was coated with the Poly Roof Protec 20 year system and enhanced with polygrip anti slip coating (car park grade to ensure long life & unrestricted use).

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Fall Correction to Terrace in Caernarfon

This roof terrace / balcony area in Caernarfon (Gwynedd, North Wales) had a drainage issue, with water not running off as it should due to a faulty fall. Our job here was to correct the fall and create a roof with proper run-off.

20 Year Polymer Flat Roof Refurbishment for Bala Spar

This Spar shop in Bala in Gwynedd in North Wales needed an economical reinstatement for the roof for a new commercial lease, which we were able to provide using the polymer system. The overlaid 20 year liquid membrane system provides a durable, high spec and affordable refurbishment and is supported by a 20 year insurance-backed guarantee.

As with all our polymer roofs, this shop roof was completely mechanically cured within 72 hrs, waterproof, weatherproof and safe to walk in within just a few hours.

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